Champagne Rose Bouquet



Step into an era of timeless elegance with our Champagne Rose Bouquet, meticulously crafted to evoke a vintage allure that complements champagne or oyster-shade wedding dresses flawlessly.

Every rose within this bouquet is a labor of love, delicately formed by hand, petal by petal, to capture the essence of natural beauty. The ribbon used to fashion these roses is carefully selected to ensure a seamless color match with the bridal attire, a detail not overlooked in our pursuit of perfection.

Adding a touch of opulence and sophistication, each bouquet is adorned with specially selected jewels, pearls, and vintage-style brooches, infusing it with glamour and grace.

Presented in an heirloom gift box, this bouquet isn’t just a mere accessory; it’s a cherished keepsake to be treasured for generations to come.

Given the meticulous craftsmanship involved, we recommend securing your heirloom bouquet by reaching out to Pauline at least four months before your wedding date to ensure every detail is tailored to perfection for your special day.
